How to Calculate No. of Bricks with Mortar ( Cement and Sand ) in Meter

How to Calculate No. of Bricks with Mortar ( Cement and Sand ) in Meter.

1. No. of Bricks
2. Quantity of Cement
3. Quantity of Sand
in a Bricks wall.

Wall size :
length = 7 m
Height = 2.5 m
Thickness = 0.20 m

1 Brick + with mortor size :
length = 0.20 m
Width = 0.10 m
Thickness = 0.10 m

Solution :

Volume of wall = 7 × 2.5 × 0.20 = 3.5 cubic meter.

volume of 1 brick with mortar =
.20 × .10 × .10 = 0.002 cubic meter.

1. No. of Bricks = 3.5 / 0.002 = 1750 bricks.

2. Quantity of mortar = ( 25 / 100 ) × 3.5 = 0.875 m³.
convert to dry volume = 0.875 × 1.27 = 1.11125 m³.

Quantity of cement =
Mortar ratio = 1 : 5
sum of ratio = 1 + 5 = 6

Cement ( 1 / 6 ) × 1.11125 = 0.1852 m³
convert to bags = 0.1852 × 1440 = 266 kg
266 / 50 = 5.33 bags

Sand : ( 5 / 6 ) × 1.11125 = 0.9260 m³
