How to Calculate No. of Bricks with Sand and Cement in foot.

How to Calculate Number of bricks, Cement and Sand in Wall ?

For Example :
Dimission of wall :
Length = 10 ft
Height = 5 ft
Thickness = 9 inch

Dimission of Brick :
Length = 9 inch
Width = 4.5 inch
Thickness = 3 inch

Volume of wall :
Volume formula = length × height × thickness
Wall volume = 10 × 5 × .75 = 37.5 cft

We know that :
1 cft = 13.5 bricks
100 cft = 1350 bricks

13 .5 Multiply with volume of wall :
13.5 × 37.5 = 507 bricks required for your wall.

Volume of mortor :
( 25/100) × 37.5 = 9.375 cft
Convert to dry Mortor = 9.375 × 1.27 = 11.90 cft

Mortor Ratio : 1 : 3
Sum of Ratio = 1 + 3 = 4

Cement Quantity :
Cement = (1/4) × 11.90 = 2.975 cft
Convert to cement bags = 2.975 / 1.25 = 2.38 bags
1 cement bags = 1.25 cft

Sand quantity :
Sand = (3/4) × 11.90 = 8.925 cft
